
Wednesday 20 April 2011

Most Expensive Laptop In The World – 1 Million Dollars

This is so far the most expensive laptop I’ve ever heard. It cost you 1 Million and its only by appointment. This million-dollar laptop is produced by Luvaglio.March 23, 2007 UK-based bespoke luxury goods creator Luvaglio has created the first million dollar laptop. That’s what the first of their luxury laptops will sell for. Full details of the laptop have not been released at this point, but it is known that it incorporates a 17" widescreen LED lit screen with a specially designed anti-reflective glare coating for clear and brighter image, 128GB of Solid State Disk space and a slot loading Blue-Ray drive. There is an integrated screen cleaning device and a very rare coloured diamond piece of jewellery that doubles up as the power button when placed into the laptop and also acts as security identification.


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